Make a Difference
Academy of Advanced Practice Chiropractic Medicine
Article VI – Committees
- Section 1
- Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee shall consist of 6 members and shall be constituted annually at the organizational meeting of the Board. The membership of the Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the Vice-President, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer and one member selected by the membership at large. Members of the executive committee shall hold a 2-year term as follows:
- Section 2
- Education & Credentialing Committee
- The education and credentialing committee shall consist of a maximum of 8 members appointed by the Committee Chair.
- Section 3
- Membership & Dues Committee
- The membership and dues committee shall consist of a minimum of 5 members. The committee shall set the standards for membership including application procedure and dues structure.
- Section 4
- Legislative Committee
- The legislative committee shall consist of a minimum of 5 members. The committee shall design, implement, and assist state legislative activities.
- Section 5
- Rules Committee
- The rules committee shall consist of a minimum of 5 members. The committee shall draft proposed bylaws language to implement amendments to the bylaws directed by Board resolution. The Bylaws Committee may propose amendments for sponsorship to the Board. In addition, the Committee shall review all proposed
- bylaws amendments submitted by any other committee or member and make recommendations to the Board concerning adoption, rejection, or germane and consistent modifications to such amendments.
- Section 6
- Finance Committee
- The finance committee shall consist of a minimum of 5 members. The committee shall prepare the annual budget and prepare profit, loss and cash flow statements on a quarterly basis for the Board’s review.
- Section 7
- Communications Committee
- The communications committee shall consist of a minimum of 5 members. The committee shall be responsible for the implementation and management of the AAPCM website, AAPCM listserve, and AAPCM Facebook page, if implemented, as well as the facilitation of social media communication between AAPCM and interested parties, whether member or non-member.
- Section 8
- Ethics & Discipline Committee
- The ethics & discipline committee shall consist of a minimum of 5 members. The committee shall be responsible for maintaining and enforcing the Academy’s Rules and Code of Ethics.

Multiple pathways through CCE accredited institutions for advanced scope of practice.

Modeling of legislative initiatives for expansion of chiropractic licensure.

Intra and interprofessional collaborative efforts yielding extraordinary results.