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Academy of Advanced Practice Chiropractic Medicine
Article IV - Board
Section 1
Name & Purpose
The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the Academy. Membership of the Board shall be composed of the Executive Committee and the Committee Chairs.
Section 2
Terms of Office
The President of AAPCM shall be elected by the membership at large at the annual meeting and shall serve a 2- year term. The President shall be the Chairman of the Board. Each term shall end in an even numbered year. There shall be no limit to the number of terms, consecutive or otherwise, for this position. The President shall be the Chairman of the Board. In lieu of an annual meeting, the President shall serve until that meeting occurs and an election is held.
The Vice-President of AAPCM shall be elected by the membership at large at the annual meeting and shall serve a 2-year term. Each term shall end in an even numbered year. There shall be no limit to the number of terms, consecutive or otherwise, for this position. In lieu of an annual meeting, the Vice-President shall serve until that meeting occurs and an election is held.
The four members of the Executive Committee who are not the President or Vice-President shall each serve a 2-year term. Each term shall end in an odd numbered year. There shall be no limit to the number of terms, consecutive or otherwise, for this position. The four members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the membership at large at the annual meeting. In lieu of an annual meeting, these members shall serve until that meeting occurs and an election is held.
The Committee Chairs shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Chairman of the Board and ratified by the Executive Committee and shall serve a 2-year term. Each term shall end in an odd numbered year. There shall be no limit to the number of terms, consecutive or otherwise, for this position.
The Committee members shall be appointed by the Committee Chairs and shall serve a 2-year term. Each term shall end in an odd numbered year. There shall be no limit to the number of terms, consecutive or otherwise, for this position.
Officers and members of the Executive Committee may be removed for misconduct, dereliction of duties, excessive absences from meetings, conflict of interest as defined under Section XII, or for any reason that a member of the Executive Committee may deem worthy. The removal of officers may be initiated by a member of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall then convene a special meeting to discuss the question of removal. A majority vote of the Executive Committee shall result in the removal or non-removal of the individual(s) in question.
In the event that a member of the Executive Committee resigns prior to the end of their term and prior to the annual meeting, the Executive Committee will convene a special meeting to vote in a replacement for the end of that term or until an annual meeting occurs and an election is held.
It shall be understood that, at a time when AAPCM does not have membership in sufficient numbers to constitute an annual meeting, and when any or all Committee Chairs and Committee members do not exist, the Executive Committee will be tasked with accomplishing Committee tasks that the Executive Committee deems worthy of being accomplished.

Multiple pathways through CCE accredited institutions for advanced scope of practice.

Modeling of legislative initiatives for expansion of chiropractic licensure.

Intra and interprofessional collaborative efforts yielding extraordinary results.